Botnet Detection

Botnet Detection: Understanding the Need, Techniques, and Challenges Botnets are a coordinated group of malware instances that are controlled via command and control (C&C). They can perform multiple kinds of activities, making them difficult to detect using traditional security measures. In this article, we’ll explore the need for botnet detection, techniques used for botnet detection in enterprise networks and on the internet, and the challenges associated with botnet detection. The Need for Botnet Detection The goal of network monitoring is to detect and prevent attack traffic....

October 21, 2023 · 6 min · Pradithya Aria Pura

Cloud Computing Security

Cloud Computing Cloud computing is a model for enabling rapid provisioning of resources from a pool of resources. There are three cloud service models: Software as a Service (SAAS), Platform as a Service (PAAS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS). SAAS allows users to use the provider’s application, while PAAS allows users to use the provider’s platform to build applications. IAAS allows users to use the provider’s fundamental computing building blocks like compute, storage, and networking....

3 min · Pradithya Aria Pura